These Hours



How do you spring open and reconnect safely?

We are growing older in new times. The collective trauma of the past year has left the community disconnected from who we thought we were, where we thought we were going and how we thought we were going to get there.

Attention is the currency of connection. These sheltered months have made it possible for many of us to spend that currency wondering about what really matters. Andy and I have been exploring how to direct our attention in a more balanced way. So much of my thinking seemed to habitually constellate around other people. Andy became aware that his mind habitually focused on preserving or fixing what was. We both realized that we needed to balance attending to the outer world with the solitude and silence that creating requires.

As we approach our eighties, we’re also discovering that there are some very sweet things about growing old in these new times honoring those who have passed but are still alive in our hearts, treasuring sweet simple moments in nature, choosing kindness whenever possible, knowing on a cellular level that we’re all in this together.

And we are wondering what’s opening in you as you are growing older in these new times? How are you spending the currency of your attention?

Vimeo Link, Enjoy the Video!

Harmony Hallas